Tuesday, February 17, 2009


What is writing?  And what is required to accomplish such a feet?  I believe you need inspiration to put words on a paper, or type them.  I mean, if you aren't inspired, if you don't believe in what you are writing, you're wasting your time along with those who read what you have written.  I don't know how people can just kick out a paper.. no thought required.  I know that I will sometimes go on rants that don't completely tie into what is supposed to be talked about, but I am writing what I feel and believe.  
I realize that I am not the perfect example at this whole blogging thing.  At the beginning I provided the reasons I find this difficult and it has been proven true.  But I am going to try to be better.  I made a statement that I was waiting the other day.  Waiting to get tired.  Waiting to stop being hungry.  Waiting for inspiration to do work.  But what finally hit me is that if I keep waiting... my life is going to pass me by.  So now I'm just a little torn.  Between whether I should be inspired in life or just do it.  Maybe its both.