Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Here are my thoughts on the topic:
1. Humiliation. I do not enjoy subjecting my personal thoughts to others judgments. When I have to develop my thoughts, which are usually in some cryptic form that I have trouble understanding, into a logical explanation on the world wide web; that's not enjoyable.
2. Commitment. I have issues with commitment. Now, if this blog were my own idea or just something to do every once and a while, I would be good. There are no expectations in that relationship. I do not feel like I am being suffocated by that constant dependency! But with expectations high for dedicating myself to this, I already feel my fingers wanting to flee from the keyboard.
3. History. My track record for keeping a diary is not good. Tried and failed on several occasions. My life and thoughts are unremarkable.
4. Media Scriptwriting. Well, on the first day of class I managed to be the only person to not complete the come to find out easy as cake assignment. I thought of two sentences. Two! So yes, I am so stoked about blogging.

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